Monday 21 April 2014

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem!

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

In sha Allah this will be a blog for our homeschooling and everyday activities we will be doing as part of my teaching, building a practising Muslim home, and development.

My son Ishaaq, our first born, is currently only 4 and half months old. I know he is still very very young but MashaAllah he is very alert, active and a cheerful baby. And by Allah's miracle, babies are learning from the time they are born. They are learning to eat, sleep; to adjust to daily routine; to recognize mum, dad, other family members; to communicate their needs and wants. Their brains, in the early years, are developing enormously in both physical and functional aspect. Although brain plasticity exists throughout a person's lifespan, early years right from the birth, are most important for their development. Their experience during this time not only aids their learning but also moulds their personality, character and attitude.

However more to the point, my aim is to provide the right environment and direct Ishaaq's motivation for learning, understanding, and living from the very beginning and most importantly as a practising muslim in sha Allah, according to the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah. I sincerely ask Allah SWT to help me, guide me, and enable me to raise righteous, mature and compassionate Muslim children and to build a good Muslim family.